Sunday, June 15, 2008

Stay at Home Moms Earn Less Than Stay At Home Dads

A new study says "stay-at-home moms" would earn nearly $117,000* if they were actually paid for all the work they do.

One "stay-at-home mom" from Marietta, Georgia, said the figure sounded a tad low.

But then again, what does she know? It's not like she's out there in the real world, fighting rush hour traffic twice a day, dealing with annoying coworkers, bending over backwards to placate an impossible boss and doing "actual" work.

The biggest driver of a mom's theoretical salary is the amount of overtime pay she'd receive as, evidently, going to the playground several times a week can really take up a great deal of a "stay-at-home mom's" time - Sometimes upwards of 90 minutes a day playing in the sandbox and riding the swings.

"Seriously," said Janis Simon a "stay-at-home mother" of two in Los Angeles, "You don't think I could watch my soaps, read my magazines
AND go to the playground once a day in a 40-hour week, Do you?"

"Stay-at-home mom" Janis Simon visits
a local park with her son or daughter.

Doug Soller, a working father from Nutley, New Jersey said, "This is some kinda joke, right? You mean to tell me I could make $117,000 sitting on my ass all afternon and watching Oprah? Where do I sign up?"

What the angry Mr. Soller fails to understand is that, if a stay-at-home mom can earn $117,000 it's safe to assume that "stay-at-home dads" would make well over 200 grand - For the EXACT same work.

*PLEASE NOTE: It is implied that the "stay-at-home mom" is in America legally. If said mom is an alien, she'd earn about $19,000 annually for the same work done by a U.S. Citizen mom.


emeryemery said...

Problem with this entire theory is this. Stay at home mom is not a job, it's a result of stay at home sex without stay at home protection!

Should I be paid by the hour for applying salve to my herpes break out every other month? That's a medical procedure! The going rate would be a $150 office visit. At an average of 10 applications per breakout that comes to $360 grand
if I live to be 84!

No, I shouldn't! I had unprotected sex and got a lifelong commitment to take care of.

MommyHeadache said...

I think its probably even more if you include the high quality sexual services at $500 per hour

emery....very funny, comparing kids to herpes, you may have something there, recurring problems and irritations...which sometimes go away...but not for long!!

Michelle James said...

emery, stop poking holes in my theories... Damn you!!!!

and EmmaK, thanks for the comment... Even though you applauded Emery drawing a parallel between kids and an STD. :)